Kohl’s department store announced earlier this year that it would be releasing former The Hills star Lauren Conrad’s clothing collaboration in early October. Kohl’s jumped the gun a bit and released LC Lauren Conrad for Kohl’s last week. The designs are as to be expected, made for the masses and similar to almost everything I’ve seen in stores. I have to give it to Lauren though, she sure does know how to market herself. The floral dress isn’t very appropriate for a fall release but it’s super cute.

The green polk dot top reminds me a bit of Diane von Furstenberg’s prints but hey who am I to judge. The prices are affordable with nothing more than $60. That’s music to my ears. Leggings and jeans and an assortment of blouses and a two dresses encompass the collection. I was expecting something a bit more edgy from Lauren but then again but I guess if the formula ain’t fix, why break it?