Run, don’t walk, to your nearest newspaper stand this morning to pick up copies of the Karl Lagerfeld edited Metro newspaper.  The creative director of Chanel and Fendi is taking the helm of all Metro newspaper editions, distributed in over 100 cities in 22 countries today. ‘The World According to Karl’ edition of Metro Newspapers includes limited edition sketches of Karl himself, depicted in his iconic tailcoat.  Inside the paper, Karl interviews fashion heavy hitters like  designers Haider Ackermann and Silvia Venturini Fendi; the singers Florence Welch and Azealia Banks, and fashion editor Carine Roitfeld.

On his sex drive:

“No, I’m not very much interested in that. But it’s not a question of time, people can make quickies you know”

On whether he does too many collaborations:

“I couldn’t care less. It depends if I know the people. If unknown people say this, they should send me a note and explain why. The limit is up to me to decide.”

On staying skinny:

“I found out that clothes are much better than scales and things like this. Clothes don’t lie.  If you have only clothes in one size and nothing one millimeter bigger, the minute something hurts somewhere, you know it’s time. And always keep a pair of tight jeans, something tight for control.”

Readers can also also find out how that iconic ponytail is taken care of, what he orders at Café de Flore, and what furniture he chose for his new Left Bank offices.

The Karl paper also goes live today on iTunes apps and at Metro’s new style Web site,