Only one day left until Thanksgiving and some of us still have things up in the air regarding what to drink, eat, prepare for friends.  Sure turkey is a giving but making the entire meal a special occasion can be a daunting task.  For this reason, Chandon has partnered with Barneys New York creative director Simon Doonan to bring you some easy and simple ways of adding a touch of magic to your holiday entertaining.  It’s the Ultimate Guide to the Holidays, with entertaining tips, cocktail and food reciepes, decor ideas from top chefs and web and television personalities including Louis Roe, chef Perry Hoffman, and Leslie Sbrocco.

As you know, it’s not holiday season unless there is a dash of sparkle to everything, which is why Confetti System has also create a few DIY projects to add the WOW factor to any table or room for the holidays.  Go to for even more tips and tricks.  Below are a few we just had to share to make your turkey day even more special.

1. Fill a few glass hurricanes in varying sizes with more confetti to create a centerpiece. You can also add favors and candy for guests to take as well.

2. Theme your party by color.  Encourage guests to come in gold attire and accessories. It’s so fun to see what your guests will come up with and you’re entire party will be sparkling!

3. [MY FAVORITE]  Create your own photo booth. Hang our Tassel Garland or your own decorations on a designated wall to create a shimmering backdrop. Snap photos of guests in front of it as they arrive, and again once the party is in full swing.

4. Create your own sparkling decorations for the mantle or table. Purchase simple styrofoam shapes, like cones, balls and wreaths, from the craft store along with your favorite glitter and craft glue. Brush glue onto the shapes and cover them in glitter. Create a modern take on traditional holiday decorations by displaying these simple shimmering shapes in small groups.

12. Confetti System geometric metallic piñatas are perfect for the holidays and the New Year! Hang one in brilliant gold above the dance floor to create a shimmering party atmosphere. It makes an amazing disco ball and can be broken as the clock strikes midnight to start the celebration!